“Singing to Love” is a romantic photo novel based on the lyrics of 10 love songs. With these ingredients we have made a music film with the same title. The 10 chapters of this story are brought to life by a narrator who musicalizes the whole plot. The film is available in Amazon Prime.
Para ver la fotonovela en Inglés/ Español

Based on the romantic photonovela "Singing to Love" this musical was born. As in silent movies, a narrator has been incorporated who sings the love story with the help of romantic images. His songs and dances reinforce the story. Altogether in a beautiful entertainment for the senses where the spectator can interact singing in spanish and english.

Silent film turned into a Neorealist critical musical about the spanish economical crisis form 2008 to 2014. The Eurogroup lead by Germany makes up to 100,000 million euros available to Spain, of which 64,000 are used exclusively to the rescue of the bank. Between the president and the head of the opposition they reform the Constitution to guarantee the payment of the debt.
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